For Fixing Bugs

A prayer to redirect hearts when things are broken and need fixing.

Dear God,

I praise you for your generosity. You are good.

You breathe life.
You bring order from disorder.
You promise to restore all things.

Believing this, I am humbled by the privilege to image you in this way.

As I endeavor to fix that which is broken, Merciful God, forgive me for any selfishness or frustration I might harbor inwardly as I approach this task.
Let any impurity of heart be cleansed at the cross that you endured on my behalf.

Soften me with gratitude for those who came before me.
May I trust they were putting forth their best efforts in those moments past. I am of no higher position.
May I remember that even my best in this moment is but a poor reflection of your perfection in your creation and your ability to make new.

By your Spirit, grant that I may have clear vision, knowledge and understanding, a calm mind, and a heart that is humble for this work.

Thank you for supplying all that I have and will need.

I place these efforts in your mighty hands.


Published on: 4/13/2022